Here's what you will learn in this course: How the anatomy of the hair follicle works, the effect the hair follicle has on the hair growth cycle when it is not functioning properly, the difference in scalp infections and disorders, how they affect the hair follicle, and how to treat them properly to maximize the function of the hair follicle; effective treatments that actually work with specific types of hair loss, and how to get the results your clients desire.

    1. Layers, Glands, and Functions of the Skin

    2. Ectodermal and Mesodermal

    3. Dermis, Collagen, and Elastin

    4. Eccrine Glands

    5. Regulation

    6. Skin Anatomy Quiz

    1. Anatomy of the Hair & Hair Follicle

    2. Diagrams of Hair Structure & Hair Follicle

    3. Hair and Hair Follicle Anatomy Quiz

    1. Scalp Infections & Disorders

    2. Scalp Infections and Disorders Quiz

    1. Introduction to Hair Loss

    2. FollicleMiniaturization

    3. MicroscopicofFollicleMiniturization

    4. DiagramofHairLossProgression

    5. FollicleMiniturizationProgress

    1. Types of Hair Loss

    2. Types of Hair Loss Quiz

    1. Causes of Hair Loss

    2. Causes of Hair Loss Quiz

Gaining the knowledge about follicle and scalp health as well as having a better understanding of hair loss the causes and triggers and how it affects the hair growth cycle can take your career in the beauty industry to the next level.

  • $324.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

If you are a licensed cosmetologist and you are ready to add to your healthy hair care knowledge and take your beauty business to the next level by: Adding more treatment services to your service list, educating your clients so that their home maintenance will be more effective, increasing your income because you've invested in yourself to be able to provide more effective services and products to your clients; enroll. In this course today!