Understand the keys to building a solid brand foundation that will scale your beauty business to six figures.
Create a meaningful brand outline that will set your beauty business apart in your niche.
Gain loyal and consistent clientele by effectively identifying and drawing in your target audience.
Unleash Your Unique Branding Potential
Discover how aligning passion, gifts, and purpose can supercharge your brand. Uncover the secrets behind crafting an authentic and purpose-driven brand identity. Learn how to leverage your gifts and passion to create a meaningful and impactful brand presence.

Shannon McGlathery
I'm Shannon, Your Certified Hair Loss Practitioner. I have been in the beauty industry for 18+ years. I went from creating beautiful hair styles to servicing clients who desire to achieve healthy hair and who are experiencing hair loss and helping them achieve hair goals they never thought possible. After reaching the goals that I set to grow my beauty business, I now have the passion to teach other beauty pros how to elevate their beauty business through branding. My ulimate goal is to help beauty pros brand their own business, in their own way by unlocking their desires within.
Ready to elevate your branding game? Take the next step now!
Branding My Own Business is the ultimate guide to bringing your vision to life and helping you put your beauty brand into perspective to elevate your business. The days of lacking brand clarity, having inconsistent branding, having difficulty standing out, and limited brand awareness. Discover strategies to boost brand awareness, improve consistency, connect with your audience, and stand out in your niche.